APRIL 22 - AUGUST 1 // 2021

Virtual Walkthrough (direct link)
It all starts with God. Everything He has created, from silky delicate flowers to hardened snail shells, is thoroughly exquisite and unique in its details. Our Creator knows the most intimate peculiarities that separates one living thing from another. Witnessing these visually stunning and minutiae facts is why I am passionate about testifying for our Lord of his genius handiwork and of his extraordinary greatness. These photos are evidence of His incredible love for each one of us, God’s most personal creation. He resides within our hearts, therefore He knows us intimately, so we can trust Him with even the smallest details of our lives. Besides the Lord Jesus, my family is my biggest inspiration in life. Thank you Drew, for letting me put this together, and thank you Drew, Karli and Dane for humoring me while I share 1,000’s of photos with you. To God be the glory; such great things He has done and is doing!
ARTIST BIO - Kari Wiseman
My life has not been the norm, so my perspective is perhaps different than most. I have been adopted 2 times, lived at a non-profit christian boarding school for 5 years, found my birth families after 30 years, and moved 25 times in 9 states. My story relates to the truths of life and the struggles along the way which are interwoven with forgiveness and faith. My life story is complicated, but beautifully orchestrated by God. Other influences in my life are my amazing husband, my 2 beautiful children, and the challenging world around me. I am passionate about photography and find joy in discovering unique snapshots of our daily life and surroundings. I am also inspired by words of truth and wisdom. My goal is to combine these things together and help encourage you along your journey of life!
Check out Kari’s website at: kariwiseman.com
Check out her blog at: snapinspire.com
Her book, “A Daughter To Many” is available in our Bookstore.